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Are public phones the answer to the prison population problem?

The prison population problem.

Correctional facilities are at breaking point.

Across the world, there are over 11,000,000 inmates. In more than 118 countries, correctional facilities are operating over 100% capacity, and in some cases, over 250% capacity.

This prison population is a global problem and one that needs to be addressed. But with recidivism rates at around 50% worldwide, solving this problem goes beyond just releasing inmates.

These numbers are difficult for correctional facilities, but the impact of this is felt by society too. Each inmate in the US costs the taxpayer an average of $33,274 each year, and that's without considering the effect on job markets, local economies, etc.

The big challenge for correctional facilities is to ensure that the rehabilitation process will be effective and inmates will become a productive part of society when released.

A new world with within the walls

When an inmate enters a correctional facility, they have to overcome many new challenges. One of the more noticeable differences is a loss of contact with the outside world.

Faced with time behind bars, inmates have to adapt to their new world and quickly. It doesn't take long before an inmate's focus changes.

They soon forget their life outside to deal with their more immediate environment, a new intimidating world full of potential risks, and constant bad behavioural influence which can lead to significant personality changes.

A scary society.

Leaving the correctional facility should be a happy day, a fresh start, time to turn over a new leaf, etc. But the reality is often much more complicated.

Being cut off from society for so long means inmates often find themselves re-entering a world that feels alien to them.

After a long period of incarceration, with little or no communication with the outside world, they often lose touch with their friends, family, and any part of normal society. There are also barriers to finding work, healthcare, and housing, making life outside much more complicated than their familiar life inside.

A self-perpetuating cycle.

A lack of money, homelessness and, limited access to healthcare can all feel like an inmate has little choice but to turn back to crime to pay the bills.

A pattern emerges: crime leads to incarceration, incarceration leads to being cut off from society, being released into society is difficult, inmate turns to crime. Crime leads to incarceration, and repeat.

We believe that any successful plan to lower recidivism must break this cycle, but how?

Breaking the cycle.

We believe that a major part of the answer lies in proper communication with the outside world.

Regular contact with loved ones, family, and friends doesn't just keep inmates in touch but means being reintroduced into society isn't done alone, and that they have support to help them.

As an additional benefit, offering regular and quality communication improves an inmate's mental health, it gives them a reason to be released and often improves inmate's behaviour as they become focused on their life outside the correctional facility.

Easier said than done.

But offering these communication channels is often easier said than done in many countries all over the world.

Secured and monitored public payphones can be costly and running them can be difficult with prisons services understaffed.

Welcome to InPhone.

But we see proper communication with the outside world as a vital part of an inmate's rehabilitation and the key to reducing recidivism.

That is why we developed InPhone, a simple, smart payphone system.

Our solution has been designed to improve the well-being of inmates, give prison services complete control of communications, keep society safe, and reduce the cost to taxpayers.

The answer is at the end of the line.

We have vast experience in implementing this system and work with local partners to overcome any potential problems. Our solution has already been installed in Mexico, Ghana, Brazil, Uganda, Israel, Albania, and more.

If you would like to discover how InPhone is the answer to reducing recidivism, please visit our website or contact us for more information.


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